We would take the golf cart out at night to rabbit hunt. Often we would catch a glimpse of a cotton ball tail scurrying off, but it was never satisfying. We wanted more bunnies. The late night searches were endless.
On the night of my 23rd birthday, on the way home from a party in a castle, my friends and I drove past a stunning jackrabbit. He sat up straight, regal, head held high with his huge ears elegantly perked, one foot bent in a casual manner. He was perched dangerously close to the edge of the road. The driver zoomed by him without touching the brakes, and the rabbit didn't even twitch.
I might've thought he was a statue, but I swear I made eye contact with him, and although his gaze was rather stoic, I detected some warmth. It was like he was mad at me for cheating on the lakehouse with some other place, or he had been waiting for me to come out on the golf cart searching for him and I never showed. The most amazing thing about him was the bone structure of his face. He had high, pronounced cheekbones and a dignified snout. He was really handsome. I went out looking, but I never saw him again. It's strange, but I fell for a jackrabbit.