Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My dad’s side of the family is the type that loves Olive Garden, and although we’ve had many dinners with them at the Italian version of Chilis, my parents make us try a different place this year.

Out of nowhere, my grandma says I look like Loreli, a siren who caused ships to wreck into rocks when they were about to cross the German border. My dad informs me that she wants to sing, and she serenades me with a song in German, presumably related to Loreli.

The younger family members come back to our house to play the New York Times caption game and drink wine. My cousin’s spouse insists that my grandma was drunk, and when we mention that she was drinking tea, he says, “Well, she felt my butt on the way out.”

Later my grandma forwards me the Lorelei song with a preface in Hungarian even though I don’t speak the language.

1 comment:

  1. Lorelai is also a Tom Tom Club song... same thing, I'm sure.
