Thursday, February 26, 2009


It all started with some meatloaf muffins at Wheatsville. Sounds gross, right? They looked disgusting. Even an old lady next to me agreed, and I thought old ladies worshiped meatloaf.

Then I started noticing meatloaf on menus here or there... No reason to panic.

There was stuffed meatloaf on the menu at Freddie's Place, and I'm thinking "Okay meatloaf, you're taking it a little far now."

Yesterday when I went to lunch with my sister, the only special was meatloaf. I like to think I'm frugal, so I usually go for specials. The prices on all the other menu items were absurd, but I didn't want to let meatloaf win.

Today I was at work, and the TV was blaring some show on meatloaf. I was hungover and the adjectives being used made me want to vom.

I'm thinking, "Damnit, meatloaf, what do you want from me? Why are you following me? I used to have neutral feelings for you. I've even defended you when others said you were vile. Now you're really pushing your luck."

If I find a chuck of meatloaf sitting on my bed later, I'm going to punch it in the face.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today I went for a run. It was sunny out. I was glad I wasn't working. I had a good Siouxie and the Banshees song on my iPod.

All of a sudden a butterfly flies up alongside me and flutters next to me as I run. We had a pretty good stretch together before he flew off to meet his other friends or get some premium nectar or do whatever butterflies do.

Point is, I ran with a butterfly today.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Tonight a friend and I took a midnight walk with my twin so she could take pictures peering through people’s windows. We were like stalkers or peeping tom(etta)s.

When we looked up, we noticed that the clouds were racing at a strangely fast pace and they seemed as close as kites.

It reminded me of when Court and I hiked the Inca Trail. Day 3 of the journey, we climbed through the cloud forest. Stair by stair we pulled through white mist, and that night, we slept above the clouds.

"The clouds didn't look like cotton. They didn't even look like clouds." --Townes Van Zandt

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I work at a middle school now. We are asking the kids trivia questions in exchange for apple juice. No one can name the 7 continents or 5 oceans of the world.

When someone guesses, “The Mediterranean?” another kid says, “Isn’t that a rock?”

Episode 2. MTV’s True Life: No one in this school knows what the Mediterranean is.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm sorry I made you smell like fish.

I was just hungry, you know? I though I'd fry some salmon. I'm sorry I used all the butter while I was doing it.

Sorry I filled the house with smoke. Who knew fish skin burns?

I'm sorry my fish was half-undercooked and half burnt and I'm sorry I spilled most of the lemon pepper seasoning on it. I'm also sorry that I probably won't clean the frying pan.

I'll never cook again.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


On this sunny, fine day, I go to Fresh Plus to get a kombucha to curb my hunger during work. As I’m paying the cashier says, “Oh no!” I think my card is declined, but then he says, “Your total is the mark of the beast.”

I look at the receipt, and sure enough... $6.66. “We’re big into numerology here,” he jokes. “I hope nothing bad happens to you.”

He hands me the receipt, and I say thank you and ensure him that I’ll dispose of it immediately. “Yes,” he replies. “Burn it!”

Then I continue my day as an accomplice to the Antichrist.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Infants under the age of 1 should not be fed honey, or they might be poisoned with infant botulism, which causes their muscles to go limp and sometimes makes them unable to breathe. Too bad honey is delicious. Take that, babies!

Hillary: 2, Babies: 0

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I’m on the phone with my little sis, and she tells me she saw a newspaper story that went like this:

Police found an infant in the trashcan at a local Wal-mart. Upon further inspection, they discovered it was a burrito.

This proves two things.

1) Burritos are so delicious that people would assume that a baby was thrown away before suspecting that someone would discard a whole burrito.

2) Babies are gross.
I mean, something that is a look-alike for a smushy old burrito in a trashcan can’t possibly be cute.

Hillary: 1, Babies: 0

Monday, February 2, 2009



Court & I find ourselves on a bus with our little sister, Emily, and her all-girl Catholic school’s soccer team.

We hear a clip of a conversation: “Seriously, I like don’t even know what a gargoyle is.”

Emily interjects that these girls had this same conversation last week, which was resolved when another girl offered a completely incorrect definition of a gargoyle.

Emily tries to intervene: “Wait. That’s not what a gargoyle is...” But ear-piercing volumes of gossip drown out any intelligent word.

Episode 1. MTV’s True Life: No one on this bus knows what a gargoyle is.

